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The Artist's Song  /


The sky was hot, our throats were dry

I heard men weep, I heard girl sigh

I saw an angel, sexless and bare

I saw it standing behind your chair

I lay my offer upon your plate

The angel smiled and said “create”



Who will sing? …who will scream?... (Pause)

                               The artist song


My mind was grey, my thoughts were white

The sky ablaze, Oh too bright ----

One day you´re here, the next day gone

Last night you listened to this song

I felt no sorrow, I felt no grief

Continuation, was, your relief



I was thirsty, you were starved

We drank our cups and filled the jars

We yearned for truth, we spat our hate

I carved your name, upon the gate



Who will sing, who will scream…

the artist song                                                                           

A.M.O.C.  /

While Four Dumb Presidents Snored /

Millions of jobs went out the door

When the world stopped, and the virus roared

We all panicked and built new walls,

While four dumb presidents snored.


From Shanghai to Milan, it caught the breeze,

At first we thought it´d be just a sneeze,

But it get in our lungs and started to squeeze,

While four dumb presidents snored.


Some stayed inside, some others died,

Hoping the disease would get fried.

We put on masks and tried to hide,

While four dumb presidents snored.


By drinking bleach, and posting tweets

The president made the whole thing sweet

Our world groaned while the leaders moaned

And four dumb presidents snored.


The birds were happy, the air was clean

You couldn`t imagine a better scene

But by rule of thumb people are dumb

And four stupid presidents snored.


Here comes 2021, in 22 we´ll stop singing this song

those 4 dumb presidents will be no more open up the door.

Now we´ve got a new vaccine,

and the first dumb president´s out of the scene;

One idiot down and three to go,

Christmas aint coming, ho, ho, ho!

While They Settled Their Score /


Sing Mr. Pressman one, two, three

Let us hear your prophecy

Fly Mr. Pilot two, three, four

Take us to the next world war

Hope Mr. Preacher three, four, five

Faith in the fantasy keeps them alive

Jump Mr. President four, five, six

Time for another one of your tricks



She sells seashells on the sea shore

He sells fancy spells a whole lot more

As for us we swallowed it all

While they settled their score (x3)



Sing Mr. Preacher five, six, seven

Tell us how to get to heaven

Jump Mr. Pilot six, seven, eight

Take us through that pearly gate

Hope Mr. President seven, eight, nine

We’ll believe you, just give us time

Fly Mr. Pressman eight, nine, ten

Waitin’ for you to tell us when


She sells seashells on the sea shore

He sells fancy spells a whole let more

As for us we swallowed it all

While they settled their score (x2)

1. Listen to our oceanographers

Read the Pentagon report

The gulf-stream is collapsing, that´s a fact

And when it does the ice-age will be back


2.- It´s up to us now to decide

Before we run out of time

Or the heat to come will make us fry

Or the blizzard will freeze us alive


B.- A snowstorm in Miami, a hurricane in Spain

Every year is hotter, fifty in the shade

Russia roasts in January, England´s without rain

Wildfires at our doorstep, disease is digging graves

Africa is starving, half the world in pain

More new wars are starting, and your president is insane


3.- I know you´re all distracted, by the news

You´re country´s on the rocks, you got the blues

But that local stuff is nothin´, the world´s a stew

And this time

we´ve got everything to lose

The Rapture /

The Angel I (her version) /

I met him one night in the bar

He’d come oh, oh so far

But I’d lost the keys to my car

And he’d come oh, oh so far

So I’d never, never see him again

So I’d never, never ever see him again


I asked him what was his name?

He asked me to tell him the same

Between us a great wall of pain

A feeling ‘twixt ecstasy and shame

Because we’d never, never ever see us again

Because we’d never, never ever see us again


He was different, a strange light in his hair

As he floated away up the stair

He left me wondering from where

He’d come from and should I really care

Beause I’d  never, never ever see him again


They say that angels have wings

But that’s not how it seems

To me and all of my dreams

They wake me with angry screams

‘Cause I’ll never, never ever, see him again


It was fleeting, I was scarred when he left

Now the sun rises in the west

And the worst has turned into the best

That’s the beauty of this mess

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see him again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see himr again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see him again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see him again



We were waiting for the rapture, we could feel his presence near

The synagogue of Satan is here

It was written in every scripture, affirmed by every tear

The synagogue of Satan is here.


The noise came as a thunder and the beast said “come and see”

A silver white city on wings

From the lake there rose asunder a craft shaped like a tree

A silver white city on wings



The Anti-Christ has come / The Anti-Christ is here

He came into the bar / And drank up all the beer

He´s indifferent to your mother/Cares not about your son

He tells you he´s your brother/But when you smell him… you´d better run.



Behold the door was open and a voice came rich in brass

The Apocalypse has come at last

An angel revealed the unspoken, a beast turned the lake to glass

The Apocalypse has come at last


The Beast is horned and winged, seven stars descended here

The synagogue of Satan is near

The Rapture thus delivered we could see the monster´s glare

The synagogue of Satan is here



The Anti-Christ has come / The Anti-Christ is here

He´s blessed with Satan´s star / and sits upon his chair

He has a penchant for the slaughter / cares not about a gun

Beware he´s with your daughter / on the dark side… of the sun



You´ll see him on the TV, he´s always got a grin

 The money always goes to him

He makes his own economy, gets fat while your grow thin

The money always goes to him


He´s the one and only Anti-Christ the one you hate to love

He’s damning you from above

Although he always seems real nice and offers you his glove

He´s always damning you from above




The Anti-Christ has come / The Anti-Christ is here

He glows with orange skin / and shines with lemon hair

He demands you to obey him / He needs to have his fun

He loves to bathe in mayhem

                For the synagogue of Satan… has come

                Yes, the synagogue of Satan has come

the synagogue of Satan has come

The System is Vile /

This World Aint Mine


A.- When I see your faces

Buried in your phone screens

When I feel your hatred

Flow through your tweets and memes


And when I want to move but there´s no room in the street…

When I want to swim but the sea is full of shit

When there are more wheels on the pavement than people´s feet

When they invade your party and no one is discrete



Then I know (I know)

That this world

aint no world of mine

Yes, I know (I know)

That this world                                                                                                           

… Just aint no world of mine



When we have to wear masks

Cause the air we breathe is bad

When we´re forced to do tasks

Cause the system is mad

When the rule of law is for a privileged few

And the good things you are, are the bad things you do

When success depends… on how selfish you can be

When you realise all your work, will never set you free





And I told you…

I told you

The design is far from good

And I warned you

I warned you

We have to, we must, we should

One day /

1.- The system is vile, but the sword is in my mouth now

The system is vile, but the battle has begun

You will eat cake and drink the cream of the sow now

As the poor swallow bile, a revolution has come



Streets are burnin´, everyone is yearnin´

Watch that phoenix fly


2.- I know what you do, see you workin´night and day now

I know what you do, see you draw your evil plan

I know what you do, and I know just how

You do it all on purpose cause you wanna be a man




3.- In order to be rich, you sold gold tried in fire

In order to be rich, you made free men slaves

In order to be rich, you build towers ever higher

And the vileness in your system, has made us all insane




4.- He that hath and ear, let him hear of your evil

He that hath a mouth, let him spit out your name

He that hath and eye, let him witness your perdition

When justice buries you, in the same shit that you made


The system is vile (REPEAT)

Make a Better World /

What times is it?

The time has come ladies and gentlemen to make a better world


If we had power, how could we make a better world? (x2)

We’d abolish hunger and get rid of the wars

Abolish money, get rid of the poor


How could we do that? We would need money for sure

How could we do that? We’d need money to buy things for sure

The robots will make things, no need to work no more

Robots make things and bring ‘em to your door


If the robots got our jobs, where are our wages coming from?

If the robots got our jobs, where’s the bread coming from?

You won’t need money with a robot in your home

The robots will work while we sing the songs




What will do if we don’t have to work?

What will do if we don’t need to work?

 You do what you want to, travel see the world

Be creative and thoughtful, a better you will unfurl


Do you really think that robots will make us free? (x2)

Well, first we must change this brutal economy

Say goodbye to capitalism, then wait and see

Say goodbye to capitalism, if we want to be free (repeat)


One day in another time

We´ll have a different slope to climb

We need to find words that rhyme

In this brand new world of mine.


Rome wasn´t built in a day

Revolution´s hard, but it´s the only way

Come on, let’s fly away

To the brand new world of mine.


CHORUS: This girl´s elation

                Is that boy´s frustration

                Is part of the equation

                That adds up to nought

                It looks surrealistic

                But it´s really nihilistic

                And it always

                               It always

                               Adds up to nought


Don´t believe everything you hear

Forget about the shit you fear

A new horizon will appear

Heading to this world of mine


We need time to climb the stair

If we want to breathe fresh air

Harmony will be the canon there

In that brand new world of mine


Purposeful evasion

Is our new elation

Making our equation

Round off to ten…

It seems futuristic

But it´s oh  so realistic

And it always

                It always

                Rounds off to ten

The Angel II (his version)

I saw her one night in the bar

She’d come oh, oh so far

But I’d lost the keys to my car

And she’d come oh, oh so far

So I’d never, never see her again

So I’d never, never ever see her again


I asked her what was her name?

She asked me to tell her the same

Between us a great wall of pain

A feeling ‘twixt ecstasy and shame

Because we’d never, never ever see us again

Because we’d never, never ever see us again


She was different, a strange light in her hair

As she floated away up the stair

She left me wondering from where

She’d come from and should I really care

Beause I’d  never, never ever see her again


They say that angels have wings

But that’s not how it seems

To me and all of my dreams

They wake me with anguished screams

‘Cause I’ll never, never ever, see her again


It was fleeting, I was scarred when she left

Now the sun rises in the west

And the worst has turned into the best

That’s the beauty of this mess

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see her again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see her again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see her again

‘Cause I’d never, never ever, see her again

The Age of the Mask /

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Welcome to the Age of the Mask

Where we try not to breathe gas

By gas we mean the air expelled

Get infected a ticket to hell


By hell we mean intensive care

Pipe in your lungs pumping air

By air we mean oxygen

Tube down your throat it aint no fun



Come on pretty people

Put on your mask

Keep your distance

Is all we ask

This is the Age of the Mask

This is the Age of the Mask


This is the Age of the Mask

Muted, muzzled, life full of angst

It’s hard to live when you’re wearing a mask

Not quite a life more like a trance


This is the Age of the Mask



COVID-19 (Postpandemic I)

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They Know Everything /

We know who you are

We know where you’ve been

We know what you’re doing

We know who you’ve seen

We have eyes in our ears

and ears in your nose

We know what you’re breathing

We’re inside your clothes

You call us Big Brother

It’s all for your best

If you want to survive here

You must do the test


They know everything, everything

in your mind you can hear them sing

They know everything, everything

the chip in your heart lets them in

Let it be understood

It’s all for your good

If it wasn’t for us

Hiding under your hood

We gave you a mask

But that was a farce

We just wanted access

An access that lasts

We are in you and out you

It’s been a great start

We’re with you forever

Till death do us part


They know everything, everything

the chip in your heart lets them in

They know everything, everything

in your mind you can hear them sing

Dead Dodoes /

(oooo, oooo, oooo, oooo)

Sit alone and drive your car

where you’re goin’ is not too far

“Much better than a crowded bus”

“Don’t give me that energy fuss”

What do you care, if the world is dying?

What do you care, if the Dodo is dead?


When it’s hot you want cold air

The machines make it hotter but you don´t care

You’ve got your problems, the world’s got its

Glaciers are meltin’, you don’t give a shit

What do you care, if the world is dying?

What do you care, if the Dodo is dead?


I don´t wanna be a dodo mum

I don´t wanna have to run away from the sun When is shines

I don´t wanna be a dinosaur

I don´t want to die with a roar but a smile on my face

Instead of waiting for the Apocalypse

Let´s talk about how to fix the human race

They say we´re incorrigible

But´s that´s a load of bull that needs to be erased

What are we doin´ in this place?

Don´t we know it´s the only space we´ve got Where we can be alive

What are our options, we´ve got one

Either stop consuming or we will run

Out of time

Like the Lemmings we can kill ourselves

A mass extinction or if not we could survive

Survival sounds like a better way

If we want our kids to play in the sun when it shines


Go to a temple and pray to God

Buy forgiveness for being a slob

Love your kids and love your boss

Love the guy hangin’ from the cross (oooo oooo)

What do you care, if the world is dying?

What do you care, if the Dodo is dead?

Refugees are invading

On the outside they’re starving 

Reefs are gone, jungles are burnt

The storm is coming, what have you learnt

What do you care, if the world is dying?

What do you care, if the Dodo is dead?

U.B.I.  /

It’s time for, the universal basic income

It’s time for, the universal basic income

An economy made for – everyone

A perfect economy, good for everyone.


There’s no reason, why life has to be so tough

Makin’ money, why must it be so rough?

It’s all a big lie, now it’s time to say ‘enough’

All a big lie, we really have had enough


The simplest ideas are the ones they hate the most

They keep us slaving, to feed their egos


Why spend your life, doin’ what you never want to do?

Getting’ up early, commutin’ to work on the tube

The U.B.I. covers all basic needs

Don’t have to do things, for the sake of their greed

The simplest ideas are the ones they hate the most

If we all stay at home, they will soon have to go


So, come on you unions, it’s time to heed the call

Come on you Socialists, together we’ll free us all

An economy made so no-one will be poor 

When the Sickness Seeps into your Home  /

We locked the door

We stayed inside

Clean the floor or we will die

It wants our air, it loves our blood

It climbs the stair, gushing like a flood

We were the virus until it came

Now nature plays us at our own game

We made a world where all things move

Now we're prisoners to our own bad mood

It did the impossible, cut away our defense

We made ourselves vulnerable it made no sense

Nature's not merciful why should it be

We've been fucking it up, cutting down trees

We've killed other species now we must die

Some will asphyxiate others will fry

 For those who survive, they'd better learn

Remodel the system or the system will burn

Survival is a question of good faith 

Preservation an obligation to stop the plague

Your growth is not perpetual it cannot be

Your philosophy is sick, can't you see? 

After this sickness we must implode to survive

It's time to step back and take a look inside

When the sickness seeps in

When the sickness seeps into your home

Noone's Going to Help You  /

The good man said he could make it better

But when you voted, he sent your kids to war

The rich man said he could make you richer

So you applauded now you’re oh so poor


The tax-man said the country needs your money

So you paid him and he gave it to his mates

The banks suddenly got very lucky

Schools shut down, factories closed their gates


Stay alive, make some strife

The system's got it all worked out for them

Stay alive. Just get by

No-one's gonna help you

No-one's gonna help you

No-one's gonna help you…… any more


While we work to get our wages

The real money’s floating to the top

Same old system through the ages

And us? If we’ve got enough, we’ve got a lot

It’s time to rethink this corrupt system

Measure men not by the money we get

Bitter cruel economy, and we’re blistered

Don’t give up we can change it yet


Stay alive, make some strife

The systems got it all worked out for them

Stay alive. Just get by

No-one's gonna help you

No-one's gonna help you

No-one'’s  gonna help you…… but yourself


No- one’s gonna make us

No-one’s gonna break us

No-one’s  gonna change us…

We’ll change ourselves

Oh Children! Why are you here?  /

Our city rings with the cries of the ill

A wailing for the dead

At the graves on the hill, speak up old man

The people need be fed

From the depths, great waves of pain

Choke them till they die

You could have been a healer

despite all the strife

Oh Children! Why are you here?

Oh Children! Why are you here?

The raging plague, so ugly is

It feeds a trillion flies

Now we beg the best of you

Listen to our cries

Rule the world if you can

Be good and let us be

Instead of taking what you will

Give, and set us free

Oh Children! Why are you here?

Oh Children! Why are you here?

Our wasteland cities are stripped bare

Fields are deserts now

The time before, beyond compare

We've all forgotten how

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Here there is no shelter

Our beaches swallowed by the tide

While streets and houses swelter

 You have been judged, you are condemned

An infamous eternity

We have contrived, we will survive,

Forgetting you with glee

Forgetting you with glee

Forgetting you with glee

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Here there is no shelter

Our beaches swallowed by the tide

While streets and houses swelter

 You have been judged, you are condemned

An infamous eternity

We have contrived, we will survive,

Remember you scornfully

Remember you scornfully


Covid-19  /

It came from a bat when we destroyed its habitat

COVID nineteen

The worst thing to land since Alan Greenspan

COVID nineteen

Capitalism quailed while millions wailed

COVID nineteen

If you stay inside, you might survive

COVID nineteen

Once upon an age, on a different stage

It’ll never be the same, not after the plague

A different future, a better era

For ever and ever, we can make things better


As we relaxed, the economy collapsed

COVID nineteen

It’ll never be the same, not after the plague

COVID nineteen

Others prayed, but no-one was saved

COVID nineteen

It was so bad, some leaders went mad

COVID nineteen

Once upon an age, there was a different stage

It’ll never be the same, not after the plague

A different future, a better era

For ever and ever, we can make things better


You catch it on the train, catch it in the rain

COVID nineteen

Catch it when they sneeze, catch it when you breathe

COVID nineteen

Catch it on a seat, catch it with your feet

COVID nineteen

If you want to be free stay away from me

COVID nineteen

Once upon an age, on a different stage

It’ll never be the same, not after the plague

A different future, a better era

For ever and ever, we can make things better

Tired  /

Have my breakfast with the morning news

Same old stuff corruption and abuse

With a bomb in a Pakistani school

A hundred dead Islamic army on the move

You can`t stop the national debt, can you?

No-one cares, there`s more money moving through

To the top. All shit floats, that`s the only real truth


Tell me a story about where we can go

What we can do to get out of this zoo

Think of a plan, invent a brand, a brand new show

Throw away the crap and look for something new


All we hear about is bankers robbing from the por

All we`re told about`s the crisis knocking at our door

If you want me to keep on working then tell me what it`s for


Cause I´m tired now I`m tired of it all …

Progress happens  /

There once was a monkey, a very funky monkey

Who fell from a tree and landed on his knees

And when he tried to get up  he stood up on two legs

His back as straight as iron and his hands on his head


Things are not what they always seem to be

Progress happens when we leave the tree


There once was a family, a very happy family

Who had a house and a home till they couldn’t pay the loan

The banks took the house, the cops threw them out

Threw them out in the Street with plenty to shout about


Things are not what they always seem to be

Crisis happens cause, we’ve never been free

Things are not what they always seem to be

Crisis happens cause, we’ve never been free


Imagine there are no countries

Imagine there’s no hell

Imagine there`s no money, no need to buy or sell

Imagine we're together with machine’s that really work

A sci-fi type utopia in a planet that we love


Things are never what they always seem to be

Progress won’t happen until  we know how to be free


Really be free… free from money… free from the tree

Free from countries… free in the world… a world that we’d love to be free     to be free ... to be free

We don't want to go back there  /

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When they say, the air is clean

Tell them that's not what you breathe

When they say, the sea don't rise

Open your eyes, show your surprise

When they say that God is good

Explain how he aint doin' what he should

When they say there's no money

Tell them there's plenty it's not the worry


It's time for tomorrow, time to make it well

Time for something better, an alternative to hell

The old normal is a bad normal and we don't ... 

no we don't, want to go back there

If they say, things aren't that bad

Tell them not bad but very sad

If they say that they are happy

Tell them to beware of all things flashy

If they say you'd better conform

Tell them conforming is to crawl like a worm

If they say the crisis is nothing

Tell them that nothing comes from nothing

It's time, it's time, it's time it's time it's time

It's time for tomorrow, time to make it well

Time for something better, an alternative to hell

The old normal is a bad normal and we don't ... 

no we don't, want to go back there

Wuhan  /

Abominable Preachers

With the whole world trapped by Covid syndrome

Let’s take a look at the pandemic’s home

From Central China came the wave

from the capital city of Hubei

You all know the story it came from a bat

Sold in a market and the market was wet

With animals alive there aint no vet

You can buy anythin’ at a wet market

Wuhan, Wuhan, everyone’s thinkin’ about Wuhan

Wuhan, Wuhan, let’s all give a cheer

for Wuhan, Wuhan, everyone’s talkin’ bout Wuhan

Wuhan, Wuhan … whole thing started there


It’s a bit like flu, a pandemic stew

Your body aches, lungs turn to glue

It’s fast and deadly and jumps the queue

You’ll dread the day when it gets you

They locked them up, they locked ‘em in

At first it seemed like the greatest sin

Until we saw it as what we need

The spread of Covid threw the world to its knees

Wuhan, Wuhan, everyone’s thinkin’ about Wuhan

Wuhan, Wuhan, let’s all give a cheer

for Wuhan, Wuhan, everyone’s talkin’ bout Wuhan

Wuhan, Wuhan … whole thing started there

Now we know, now we can

Feel what happened at Wuhan

We’re wearing masks, the fashion spread

Keep a ventilator at your bed


The Orange Goblin / 

Once upon a time there was a place

That was called the land of the free

Where people worked hard at a rapid pace

Then went on shopping sprees

Their symbol was the dollar

It could be no other way

With money everything is better

All you need to do is pray

Uh-hu uh-hu …

So what happened?


Too much shopping makes greedy folk

Who just want more and more

So they built an army to rule the world

And keep the beggars away from their doors

But when you´ve got all the money

You can´t keep the poor folk away

In a land of milk and honey

Eventually you´ll have to pay

Uh-hu uh-hu

How did they pay?


One fine day the sky fell in and the towers came crashing down

The shopping folk didn’t feel so free and they hid like frightened clowns

The Paradise was over, life had to be controlled

It was hard then to stay sober, everything had turned so cold

Uh-hu uh-hu …

So, what happened next?


Now Satan has sent his Anti-Christ in the form of an orange man

The land of the free is no longer nice and the good-folk got up and ran

The orange goblin is a liar

Who divides with slander and hate

He threw the free land on a pyre

And built a Wall without any gates

Uh-hu uh-hu …


Someone got offended

By a song that we sang

They said we´d engendered

Evil in their mind


It was no song for children

That wouldn´t make sense

But they said they´d been slandered

And wanted recompense



Words these words are my words,

but they´re only words

They cut you like a knife,

but they´re only words.


We offended your morality

That´s what you said

Stuck a dick in your reality

And fucked up your head


You want us to pay for it

What to see us behind bars

For the sake of your justice

Freedom is a farce



Words these words are my words,

but they´re only words

They cut you like a knife,

but they´re only words……(BIS)


We sing about potential

That hurt your reality

Ideas are only mental,

But they set us free


You talk about freedom,

but you never change a thing.

You wallow in your serfdom,

And try to clip our wings



Words these words are my words,

but they´re only words

They cut you like a knife,

but they´re only words

The Deed is Done /

1.- Hello world, it´s time to confess

I want to tell you about the mess

The mess we made, it´s all our fault

Now, I´m afraid, we need to call a halt.



We have done the deed

Yet there was no need

To do it

There was too much greed

Couldn´t see the need

Of what we´ve got


2.- We went to the forest and we cut it down

We wanted the wood to build the town

The towns got bigger and the forests have gone

Our asphalt streets bubble in the summer sun




3.- We took our rubbish and threw it in the lake

We saw fish dying, already too late

We built a factory, made a trillion things a year

A billion gases billowed into the air





4.- The weather´s changing, the seasons are all wrong

The river´s flooding and the storms are too strong

We want progress but no future is in sight

We´ve got to change, start doing what´s right



We have done the deed

Yet there was no need

To do it

But we can change the scene

If we all believe

We can


It happens in the gym

Or when they go confess their sins

When preacher Don sings his hymns

Watch out if your kids are with him.


He loves them too much

Would do anything just for a touch

He don’t know what he does

Wonders why we make such a fuss.



There´s dancing… dancing… dancing

When preacher Don´s in town… playing

Playing… playing    around


He takes them for walks

He gives them lots of nice talks

He loves nature of course

Preacher Don has a spiritual force


He learned it in the scouts

When the leaders took him out

It all seemed nice and gay

But really it was the devil’s way




He didn’t need to use sweets

The sweets were in the words he preached

He sings the praise of God

But watch out. He’s really a dog


Take the hand of Preacher Don

Surprises will come, they won’t take long

He’s so happy to see you smile

His love will come, in a while




From abominable preachers

Whose desires never cease

Words are sent to teach us

How to live in peace


They have an idea

They hope will never die

They subject it to memory

Then turn truth into a lie


Famine is their friend

And hunger is their seed

Rather than a happy soul

They prefer the hearts that bleed


They make a famine

Where abundance thrives

Build on the shifting sands

That chaos drives


All the whirling dervishes

Who sell their wares

Have been sent to furbish us

With pain and tears


And it´s a pity my friend

That we can never live

A truthful life creating

The best that we can give


And it´s a pity my friend

That we can never live

A truthful life creating

The best that we can give


And it´s a pity my friend

That we can never live

A truthful life creating …

Anything better than this


1.- I told the truth, nothing but truth

Just revealed facts, about differents acts

I could not lie, if I did I´d die

Couldn´t be like them, God forbid, A-men

They didn´t like what I had to say

Said the truth is a lie anyway

When I told the truth, when I told the truth


2.- They made me lie, they made me cry

They told me to shut up, or I would die

Truth is something

They can´t stand, they shut the gate

On the truth they hate,

truth was a goddess called Veritas

But Veritas died when they kissed her ass

That´s what they said, that´s what they said.

No wonder everyone´s running scared

Now there are lies flying everywhere


3.- Relativity in a dying sea,

is a poisonous drop of insincerity

Day after day, it gets in the way

Of an honesty, that could make us free

They didn´t like what I had to say

Said the truth is a lie anyway

When I told the truth…


1.- We are… the hollow men…

We are… the stuffed men… and

This is the end of all days.


2.- Ask the sisters… about the brothers…

Watch how… the eye flutters…

This is the end of all days.




If you want to save yourself

All I can say is break the spell

If you want to save the world

Find a purpose that´s not absurd


3.- Drilling oil… fracking gas…

Killing soil it really has…

This is the end of all days


4.- The sun is hazy…

the seas are sad…

This is the end of all days




If you want to save your face

Think about the human race

If you want a quick solution

Then we need a revolution


Wonderin’ why I play guitar in this day and age

When there should be some robot playin’ instead


But will a robot ever play as bad as I do?

It’s the mistakes I make that make it so much fun


A robot plays but it don’t enjoy and that’s the difference

I got to eat and he don’t sleep, we’re not the same


You might think you don’t give a damn, but I tell you one day soon

You’re gonna have a robot in your room


It will tell you what to do and how to brush your teeth

It won’t give you a minute of peace


I remember the good old days when people played guitars

The days before the robots became stars


Wonderin’ why I play guitar in this day and age

When there should be some robot playin’ instead


We heard the crash, we heard the clap,

the sky flashed white, and our lives went black.

Oooooh, Ahhhh …

A woman is weeping, her head full of screams,

dead child in her arms, this is no dream…

Oooooh, Ahhhh … It´s Gernika.


What kind of Monster does such a thing?

A  shower of bombs in the middle of spring

A torrent of terror dropped from the sky,

a single aim that civilians will die… in Gernika.


The sword is broken, the hero is dead,

the dragon has come, and blown off his head.

Oooooh, Ahhhh …


The modern way is to do what we must, our aim is to win, in God we trust… Oooooh, Ahhhh …


If innocents must die, so let it be.

Kill the weak, so the strong can be free..

Oooooh, Ahhhh … in Gernika.


The bombing of Gernika, a new way to go,

Dresden, Hiroshima, now Aleppo

We´ll gas them in showers and in their beds

While we offer them justice, we cut off their heads

Oooo, aaahh… Oooooh, Ahhhh … It all began in Gernika.


The dragon’s not strong, he just feeds on fear,

he´s ruled us with terror year after year,

He´s invented our enemies, made his evil seem good,

he sends kids to war, and we think he should

Ooooohh… ahh … Oooooh, Ahhhh … 

The evil …

The evil …

The evil …

is on our side


When times are troubled

When everything is bad

When the only future, seems like the

Nothing you have



Don´t give up, don’t despair, think Golden (x 2)


A golden age is coming

There will be a leap

An age of clean technology

Where people are deep




I know you are surrounded by idiots

I know it´s tough

But the Golden age with replace

All the negative stuff




In the golden age, there´ll be sun and shade

We will not be made…

To spend our time, wasting our minds

Wasting on their crimes

Our time is short, so we are taught

But really that’s a lie…

We can do so much. If we’re in touch

And we don’t need them to survive…

Just open your eyes, let ideas rise

And build a world we want…

We want and need, no need for greed,

Fulfilment is before us now…

In the golden age, there´ll be sun and shade

We will not be made…

… etc


When times are troubled

When everything is bad

When the only future, seems like the

Nothing you have



Don´t give up, don’t despair, think Golden (x 2)

ELSINORE BLUES /            

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark

Something is rotten in the whole wide world

To be or not to be that is the question

Either life has meaning or its absurd


Alas por Yorick I knew him well

Alas por Yorick I knew him well

Where is he now, in Heaven or Hell?


My name is Hamlet, I’ve got the Elsinore Blues

My name is Hamlet, I’ve got the Elsinore Blues

My dad dies, I’m still alive

Now it’s me whose gotta choose


I’m pretty sure my uncle killed my Pa

I’m pretty sure my uncle killed my Pa

Now he’s married to my mother, oh what a farce!


My girlfriend’s lyin’ in a sea of flowers

My girlfriend’s lyin’ in a sea of flowers

I didn’t kill her, how could I? I got no power


Something is rotten in the State of Denmark

Something is rotten in the whole wide world

To be or not to be that is the question

Either life has meaning or its absurd


I have got something to say

This is not the right way

I hear your shouting night after night

Screaming into an empty hole, it’s not quite right


We have so far to go

So may things that we don’t know

The wise man knows nothing, the fool does it all

It’s a fools-created world, all of this sprawl


Such a sad day today

Another friend has gone away

How many times must we make mistakes?

How many corrections do we need to make?


I have got something to say

This is not the right way

I hear your shouting night after night

Screaming into an empty hole, it’s not quite right


If I had a dream

I would dream about it

If I had a screen

I would paint it on it

If I had a belief

I´d tell you all about it


But I´m sworn

to the utmost



If I knew his name

I would sing it out loud

If I felt the same

I would tell the whole crowd

If I could smell the rain

I´d be fishing trout now


But I´m sworn

to the utmost



Don´t ask for clues

I can´t give none

These are the rules

We can´t break them

The laws are written

We can´t fake them


Because we’re sworn

to the utmost



They had a scheme

They planned the whole thing

Thousands would die

But that meant nothing

After the act

They all went scott free


And we were all sworn

to the utmost



Innocents were paid to take the whole wrap

And we swallowed every ounce of the crap

When we screamed for justice we fell in their trap

They made us swear

To the utmost



I can’t talk and you can’t either

If I walk I walk behind you

Through the squawk we give a deaf ear


‘Cause we’re sworn

To the utmost



Well, I got my art in motion,

gave my pen a steady hand

Gonna create with devotion,

being a god is who I am

Art´s a human instinct,

creation makes us stars

It´s the doing that´s important, let it be…

Be what we are


Well, Andy´s got a studio,

down the Street we´re gonna jam

Hot summer revolution,

play piano under the fan

Jayne´s a real hot drummer, and Jake´s a guitar man

Now everyone´s come to join us, and we´ve made…

A big rock band



And the song we´re singing… And the song we´re playing

Is the song we´re singing… is the song we´re playing…


Big Al will make the video,

we´ll show it once on-line

Just like one big rock show,

play right it´ll be fine

The script must be perfect,

the image must be pure

Our work must seem professional,

even though we´re amateur



And the song we´re singing… And the song we´re playing

Is the song we´re singing… is the song we´re playing…

In the world we live in… in the world we´re playing

It is the song we´re singing… it is the song we´re playing

And the life we´re leading… is the song we´re singing

And the life we die from… is the song we´re playing

We have to make it… before they take it

It´s the song we´re singing


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